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Bacteriological complications from the use of urethral instruments: Principles of prevention
  1. J. P. Mitchell,
  2. W. A. Gillespie
  1. Department of Urology, United Bristol Hospitals and University of Bristol
  2. Department of Bacteriology, United Bristol Hospitals and University of Bristol


    Guidance by bacteriologists and changes in theatre and ward disciplines have greatly improved the results of urological surgery in recent years. The most noteworthy successes have been in treatment of chronic retention with renal failure, and in prevention of the bacteraemia which may occur following removal of the post-operative catheter or the passage of an instrument to dilate a stricture. It is hoped that safer urethral instrumentation may also reduce the incidence of chronic pyelonephritis.

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    • 1 Based on two papers read at the April meeting of the Association of Clinical Pathologists.