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Bacterial flora in abnormalities of the female genital tract
  1. A. M. Gordon,
  2. H. E. Hughes,
  3. G. T. D. Barr
  1. Glasgow Royal Infirmary


    The bacterial flora associated with certain common abnormalities of the female genital tract were studied. The abnormalities included were trichomonal infestation of the vagina, the epithelial inflammation and cellular atypia associated with protozoal infestation, and erosions of the cervix.

    Trichomonas vaginalis infestation and marked epithelial inflammation were associated with a very varied bacterial flora in which Mycoplasma species, streptococci, and `Haemophilus vaginalis' (Gardner and Dukes, 1955) were often prominent. No cases of vaginitis attributable to Haemophilus vaginalis were detected. An essentially normal bacterial flora accompanied erosions of the cervix.

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