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Determination of uric acid levels in uraemia by enzymatic and colorimetric techniques
  1. P. J. N. Howorth,
  2. Joan F. Zilva
  1. Department of Chemical Pathology, Westminster Medical School, London


    Serum uric acid levels were determined by specific and non-specific methods in uraemia in order to investigate the correlation between non-specific chromogen and serum urea level. The correlation was moderate and the magnitude of the non-specific chromogen was smaller than had been reported previously. The ratio [Formula: see text] urate was found to be 0·85 in both acute and chronic renal failure, a ratio very similar to that previously reported for normal and gouty subjects.

    In chronic renal failure the true uric acid level is correlated with urea level and there is a suggestion that serum uric acid levels in chronic renal failure are lower for a given urea value than in acute renal failure.

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