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An AutoAnalyzer method for estimating serum glyceride glycerol using a glycerokinase procedure
  1. Joyce L. Bell,
  2. Susan M. Atkinson,
  3. D. N. Baron
  1. Department of Chemical Pathology, Royal Free Hospital, London


    The glyceride glycerol analysis depends, after saponification of triglycerides, on a linked enzymatic procedure using glycerokinase, pyruvate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase: the final conversion of NADH to NAD+ is followed fluorimetrically. Twenty analyses can be performed per hour on the AutoAnalyzer; recoveries of added triglycerides ranged between 90 and 104%. In a mixed male and female group the normal range for glyceride glycerol was 2·5 to 15·5 mg/100 ml (0·2-1·4 mmol/l) fasting, and 2·5 to 18·0 mg/100 ml (0·2-1·6 mmol/l) postprandially using fresh serum. There was a significant rise postprandially in older men.

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