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Prognostic typing in breast cancer
  1. B. O. Maehle,
  2. F. Hartveit
  1. Gade Institute, University of Bergen, Norway
  2. Department of Pathology, University of Bergen, Norway

    Further investigation of a necropsy series compared with recent surgical specimens


    A comparison of material from necropsy and surgical series has shown that breast carcinoma of cytological types II and III are rare. The majority of cases are of type I. Of the latter, tumours in TNM stage I were not found in the necropsy series, while infiltrating duct carcinomas of type I TNM stage II were also absent. This suggests that the possibility of surgical cure may be better in type I duct carcinomas in stage II than with other histological types. Prolonged survival in contrast to surgical cure was related to type III tumours irrespective of TNM stage.

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    Further investigation of a necropsy series compared with recent surgical specimens


    • 1 The staging is that of the International Union against Cancer called the TNM system (T, the tumour; N, the regional lymph nodes; M, distant metastases). The Union recommends four stages from combinations of the several categories of T, N, and M.