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Asymptomatic arteritis of the uterine cervix
  1. I. D. Ansell,
  2. D. J. Evans,
  3. D. G. D. Wight
  1. Department of Histopathology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London
  2. Department of Histology, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
  3. The John Bonnet Clinical Laboratories, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge


    A necrotizing arteritis in the uterine cervix is described as an incidental finding in surgical material from 10 patients. The histological features are compared with those seen in polyarteritis nodosa. Subintimal hyaline deposition and a relative paucity of neutrophil and eosinophil polymorphs characterized the lesion but the histological appearance was never sufficiently specific to exclude confidently the possibility of polyarteritis nodosa. None of the patients had evidence of multisystem disease either at the time of operation or at subsequent follow-up assessment.

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