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Interrelation between factor VII, prekallikrein, and hyperfibrinolysis in advanced cirrhosis.
  1. F Violi,
  2. C Alessandri,
  3. D Ferro,
  4. M Saliola,
  5. C Cordova,
  6. A Musca,
  7. F Balsano
  1. Istituto di I Clinica Medica, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.


    Factor VII and prekallikrein activities were studied in 37 patients with liver cirrhosis who were in a decompensated state. Sixteen of them died 30-70 days after admission; 21 survived and were discharged after 30-80 days. Seven who died and six survivors had signs of hyperfibrinolysis: factor VII activity differentiated the two groups independently of the presence of hyperfibrinolysis. The presence of hyperfibrinolysis significantly reduced prekallikrein activity, which did not differentiate clearly survivors from non-survivors. Long term follow up of survivors showed a good correlation between factor VII and prekallikrein activities with long term survival. Hyperfibrinolysis seemed to influence the clinical course of patients: 87% of patients with hyperfibrinolysis who died had fatal haemorrhagic episodes. Low factor VII activity may be a precursor of terminal liver insufficiency.

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