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Changes in age related seroprevalence of antibody to varicella zoster virus: impact on vaccine strategy
  1. G Kudesia1,
  2. S Partridge2,
  3. C P Farrington2,
  4. N Soltanpoor2
  1. 1Public Health Laboratory, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AU, UK
  2. 2Public Health Laboratory Service Statistics Unit, 61 Colindale Avenue, London NW9 5EQ, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr G Kudesia, Public Health Laboratory, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AU, UK


Aim: To study changes in the seroprevalence of varicella zoster virus (VZV) antibody over the past 25 years with a view to determining the target age group for any future vaccination strategy.

Methods: Stored sera collected from different age groups over a period of 25 years were tested by a commercial VZV IgG enzyme immunoassay at a four year time interval. Data were analysed by logistic regression to investigate the evidence for changes in incidence and hence seroprevalence over that period.

Results: There was a significant rise in VZV antibody prevalence in the 1–4 year age group during the study period.

Conclusions: A universal childhood VZV vaccination strategy will need to take account of the increase in incidence of VZV infection in children under the age of 4 years; hence, the suggested target age would be between 12 and 18 months—soon after the disappearance of maternal antibody.

  • varicella zoster virus
  • vaccination
  • target age group
  • CI, confidence interval
  • OR, odds ratio
  • VZV, varicella zoster virus

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