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Detection of tumour lymphovascular space invasion using dual cytokeratin and CD31 immunohistochemistry
  1. F Alexander-Sefre1,
  2. N Singh2,
  3. A Ayhan2,
  4. H B Salveson3,
  5. G Wilbanks4,
  6. I J Jacobs1
  1. 1Gynaecological Cancer Research Centre, St Bartholomew’s and The London School of Medicine, London EC1M 6BQ, UK
  2. 2Department of Pathology, St Bartholomew’s and The London School of Medicine
  3. 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Pathology, The Gade Institute, University of Bergen, Norway 5021
  4. 4Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Pathology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33612, USA
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr F Alexander-Sefre, Gynaecological Cancer Research Centre, St Bartholomew’s and The London School of Medicine, London EC1M 6BQ, UK;


Background: Lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) is an important step in the complex process of tumour metastasis. Various methods have been used in the past to improve the histological detection of LVSI.

Aims: To develop a sensitive immunohistochemical method for the detection of LVSI.

Methods: Paraffin wax blocks from 108 patients who had undergone hysterectomy for stage I endometrial cancer were retrieved. Dual immunostaining for pancytokeratin and the CD31 endothelial cell marker was carried out on 4 μm sections cut from these bocks and compared with conventional haematoxylin and eosin staining.

Results: The detection rate for LVSI increased threefold compared with conventional haematoxylin and eosin staining in the test group.

Conclusion: This finding suggests that LVSI is a much more common phenomenon than previously thought and questions current understanding of tumour metastasis.

  • CD31
  • cytokeratin
  • invasion
  • lymphatic
  • vascular
  • EC, endometrial cancer
  • H&E, haematoxylin and eosin
  • IHC, immunohistochemistry
  • LVSI, lymphovascular space invasion

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