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A teratoid cyst containing nephrogenic tissue in a woman with a horseshoe kidney
  1. G D Stewart1,
  2. S V Bariol1,
  3. K M Grigor2,
  4. D A Tolley1
  1. 1The Scottish Lithotriptor Centre, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK
  2. 2Department of Pathology, Western General Hospital
  1. Correspondence to:
 Mr D A Tolley
 The Scottish Lithotriptor Centre, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK;


A 21 year old woman presenting with flank pain and vomiting was found to have a cystic lesion associated with a horseshoe kidney. The inner aspect of the cyst wall consisted of connective tissue intermingled with colonic-type epithelium. Within the cyst wall there were multiple foci of immature and incompletely differentiated renal elements, together with fragments of urothelium, smooth muscle, bone, and neuroendocrine tissue. No immature renal blastema were found. This lesion is unique and labelled as a teratoid cyst containing nephrogenic tissue.

  • kidney
  • teratoma
  • nephroblastoma
  • cyst

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