Table 4

Macroscopic assessment of occupational lung diseases

*0, absent; 1, slight degree of reticulin or collagen accumulation around respiratory bronchioles; 2, fibrosis around respiratory bronchioles extending into adjacent alveolar ducts, atria, and alveoli, but not extending to adjacent respiratory bronchioles; 3, fibrosis linking adjacent respiratory bronchioles; 4, widespread fibrosis with or without honeycombing.
Primary dust foci
Average size (grade 0 to 3)
1, 1–3 mm; 2, 4–5 mm; 3 > 5 mm
Profusion (grade 0 to 3)
Assessed according to the proportion of lobules affected
1 < 33%; 2 ∼ 33–66%; 3 > 66%
Secondary dust foci
Number of stellate foci
To be recorded for each size as follows
a < 0.5 cm; b, 0.5–2 cm; c > 2 cm
Number of round foci
To be recorded for each size as follows
a < 0.5 cm; b, 0.5–2 cm; c > 2 cm
Type: centrilobular, panacinar, or irregular
Severity (grade 0 to 3)
1, 1–3 mm; 2, 4–5 mm; 3 > 5 mm
Profusion (grade 0 to 3)
Can be graded for upper and lower lobes separately or for the whole lung and is similar to that for the primary dust foci
Interstitial fibrosis
Severity (grade 0 to 4*)
A histological grading system is used
Extent (grade 0 to 3)
1, ≤ 10% of the lung affected; 2, 10–25%; 3 > 25%