Table 1

Agglutinating antibodies to Salmonella typhi ViI and S godesburg in sera from patients culture positive with Salmonella spp

Agglutination titre
Organism isolatedLPS antigensFlagellar antigensS typhi ViIS godesburg
†Indicative of infection with S typhi.
LPS, lipopolysaccharide.
S bareilly 6, 7, 14y>1/40†1/40
S enteritidis 1, 9, 12g, m>1/40†<1/40
S enteritidis 1, 9, 12g, m>1/40†1/40
S enteritidis 1, 9, 12g, m<1/40<1/40
S enteritidis 1, 9, 12g, m<1/40<1/40
S javiana 1, 9, 12l, z28>1/40†<1/40
S mbandaka 6, 7, 14z10>1/40†>1/40
S saint paul 1, 4, 5, 12e, h>1/40†1/40
S stanley 1, 4, 5, 12, 27d>1/40†>1/40
S typhimurium 1, 4, 5, 12i<1/40<1/40