Table 1

Age and sex distribution, and ICT tuberculosis test results of the tested groups

Tested groupsNo. of cases (M : F)Age range (mean)No. positive (%)Sensitivity (%)Specificity (%)
Healthy adults comprised 25 people who visited the health promotion centre of Pusan National University Hospital in whom no evidence of acute or chronic diseases was found by physical examination, chemical tests, haematological tests, serological laboratory tests, gastric endoscopic examination, and radiological tests.
Hospital workers comprised 35 people who had been working in the section dealing with patients with tuberculosis or their specimens for at least one year. No evidence of tuberculosis was found in these people using the periodic acid fast bacilli stain and chest x ray monitoring.
Patients with NTRD comprised 17 inpatients with non-tuberculous respiratory diseases. Tuberculosis was excluded by three consecutive morning sputum stains and cultures, chest x rays, and/or chest computed tomography.
Patient group 1 comprised 37 patients with tuberculosis but no known past history of tuberculosis. Their diagnoses were 33 pulmonary tuberculosis, two pulmonary and intestinal tuberculosis, one tuberculous lymphadenopathy, and one tuberculous meningitis.
Patient group 2 comprised 31 patients with tuberculosis and a previous history of antituberculosis treatment. The mean amount of time between the first and current evidence of tuberculosis was 8.6 years (range, 1–30). The current diagnoses are 30 pulmonary tuberculosis and one pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous spondylitis.
M, male; F, female; ND, not done.
Healthy adults25 (7 : 18)22–63 (48.4)388
Hospital workers35 (4 : 31)25–55 (34.8)2 (6)94
Patients with NTRD17 (14 : 3)37–83 (60.8)1 (6)94
Patient group 137 (18 : 19)19–87 (38.4)27 (73)73
Smear (−)97 (78)
Smear (+)2719 (70)
Smear (ND)11 (100)
Patient group 231 (25 : 6)22–77 (44.1)27 (87)87
Smear (−)53 (60)
Smear (+)2624 (92)
Total145 (68 : 77)19–87 (41.6)