Table 1

Fixation and processing protocols for submitting laboratories

Hospital processing equipmentFixativeReagentCTV/PTDReagentCTV/PTDReagentTV/PCTD
Fixation and processing protocols for laboratories submitting paraffin embedded blocks for ER assay.
C, number of changes of reagent; T, temperature in degrees C; V/P, vacuum/pressure; TD, total duration of stage of processing (minutes); FS, formal saline; NBFS, neutral buffered formal saline; IPA, isopropyl alcohol.
1 Bayer VIP 200010% FSAlcohol737+/+370Xylene337+/+120Wax60+/+4285
2 Leica TP 105010% NBFSIndustrial methylated spirit5A+/+300Xylene4A+/+180Wax60+/+4360
3 Shandon hypercenter XP10% FSAlcohol6A−/−390IPA/chloroform 50/501A−/−30Wax60+/+2300
Paraffin wx2A+/+120
4 Leica TP105010% FSIndustrial methylated spirit640+/+360Xylene340+/+180Wax56+/+3240
5 Shandon Pathcentre10% NBFSIPA6A+/+420Chloroform2A+/+180Wax56+/+4360
Chloroform/xylene (1/1)1A90
6 Shandon Pathcentre10% NBFSIPA7A+/+540Chloroform3A+/+180Wax60+/+4180
7 Shandon hypercenter XP10% acetic FSAlcohol8A+/+480Xylene237+/+180Wax60+/+2240