Table 1

Overview of pituitary region tumours

Tumours within the pituitary gland
    Metastatic carcinoma
    Secondary lymphoma/leukaemia
    Germ cell tumours (particularly germinoma)
    Granular cell tumour/spindle cell granular oncocytoma
Non-neoplastic lesions involving the pituitary gland
    Nodular hyperplasia
    Epidermoid, dermoid, and Rathke cleft cysts
    Histiocytosis (Langerhans and non-Langerhans)
    Lymphocytic hypophysitis
Tumours arising from adjacent structures
    Optic chiasm/nerve: pilocytic astrocytoma, meningioma
    Cranial nerves: schwannoma
    Hypothalamus: gangliocytoma, pilocytic astrocytoma
    Sella turcica: meningioma, paraganglioma, chordoma/chondroma/chondrosarcoma