Table 3

 The distribution of fetal haemoglobin positive cells in trophoblastic diseases

NoDiseaseIn inflammatory deciduaIn haemorrhagic deciduaIn chorion
(−), No haemorrhagic decidua present; CM, complete molar pregnancy; F-MLC, fetal haemoglobin positive myeloid cells; F-RBC, fetal haemoglobin positive red blood cells; ICM, incomplete molar pregnancy.
1CMRandomly dispersed single F-RBC and F-MLC(−)None
2CMClustered and dispersed F-MLC and F-RBC (fig 2C)2–3% F-RBCNone
3CMRandomly dispersed single F-RBC and F-MLC(−)None
4CMLarge clusters of up to 20 F-MLC and F-RBC8% F-RBCNone
5CMNone0.3% F-RBCNone
6CMNone1% F-RBC
7CMRandomly dispersed single F-RBC and F-MLC(−)None
10ICMClusters of F-MLC mainly with only few F-RBC(−)None
11ICMClusters of F-MLC mainly with only few F-RBC(−)None
12ICMClusters of F-MLC mainly with only few F-RBC2% F-RBCNone
13ICMRandomly dispersed single F-MLC (fig 2D)2% F-RBCNone
14ICMDecidua not presentF-RBC mature and nucleated