Table 1

 Identification of the 17 blood culture isolates of non-perfringens clostridium by 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing

IsolateSpecies identification by 16S rRNA gene sequencingGB AC of closest match% Nucleotide identity*
AC, accession number; GB, GenBank.
*% Nucleotide identity of 16S rRNA gene sequence to the closest match in GB.
1 C barati X6817499.8
2 C difficile AF07247499.9
3 C disporicum Y1817699.0
4 C indolis AF02835197.9
5 C innocuum AF02835299.9
6 C orbiscindens Y18187100
7 C paraputrificum AB03255699.4
8 C paraputrificum AB032556100
9 C paraputrificum AB032556100
10 C paraputrificum AB03255699.8
11 C ramosum M2373199.8
12 C ramosum M2373199.9
13 C ramosum M2373199.8
14 C septicum U5927899.9
15 C sporosphaeroides M5911698.5
16 C tertium AF22782699.9
17 C tertium Y18174100