Table 1

 Mutations of BRAF and NRAS in various types of melanoma

SiteMean age (range)Sample sizeNo. of mutated BRAF (%)NucleotideAmino acidNo. of mutated NRAS (%)NucleotideAmino acid
Mucosal melanoma68.1 (33–95)362 (5.6)5 (13.9)
    Head and neck
    Nasopharynx131 (7.7)T1799AV600E1 (7.7)G34TG12C
    Maxilla30 (0)0 (0)
    Hard palate or floor of mouth40 (0)1 (25)A183CQ61H
    Female genital tract
    Cervix10 (0)0 (0)
    Vagina40 (0)1 (25)C181AQ61K
    Vulva31 (33.3)A1742TN581I0 (0)
    Gastrointestinal tract
    Oesophagus30 (0)2 (66.7)G35A A183TG12D Q61H
    Rectum30 (0)0 (0)
    Anus20 (0)0 (0)
Melanoma of parenchymal organs
Brain2310 (0)1 (100)C181AQ61K
Ovary4810 (0)0 (0)
Malignant melanoma of soft parts27.7 (17–38)70 (0)0 (0)
Uveal melanoma61 (46–80)60 (0)1 (16.7)A182GQ61R
Cutaneous melanoma55.6 (40–79)52 (40)T1799A GT1798–99AAV600E V600K0 (0)