Table 6

Features of Spitzoid lesions

FeatureSpitz naevusAtypical Spitz tumourSpitzoid melanoma
 AgeAny age (2/3 < 20 years)No differenceNo difference
 LocationAny location (extremities and trunk preferred; H&N in children)No differenceNo difference
 ColourRed–brown; occasionally pigmentedNo differenceNo difference
  a. SizeSmall (most <6 mm)VariableLarge (>10 mm)
  b. SymmetryPresentVariableAsymmetrical
  c. CircumscriptionPresentVariablePoor
 Evolution/clinical courseStableMay metastasise to regional LNs; natural history uncertainVariable malignant course: regional LN mets but favourable outcome to widely metastatic disease and death
  a. SizeSmallVariableLarge
  b. SymmetryPresent (must evaluate fully excised lesion)VariableAsymmetrical
  c. CircumscriptionPresent (must evaluate fully excised lesion)VariablePoor
 Epidermal hyperplasiaPresentNo differenceMay be atrophic/ulcerated
 Artifactual cleftingPresentNo differenceVariable
 Kamino bodiesMay be present (∼50% of cases—multiple levels increase detection)No differenceNo difference
 Pagetoid spreadOften presentVariableProminent; present at edge of lesion or upper half of epidermis
 Cellular densityVariable (low–moderate)Moderate– denseDense (confluent growth)
 Pattern of growthOrganised, nested and interstitial growthVariableConfluent, destructive
 Architectural maturationPresentVariableAbsent
 Deep front of lesionInfiltrative with outlier cellsVariableExpansile or infiltrative
 Involvement of subcutisRare—may be minimalVariableMay be pronounced
 Stromal/inflammatory responseVariable (usually mild)VariableInflammation or regression may be noted
 Nuclear sizeModerate–largeNo differenceLarge
 Nuclear shapeNormal–angulatedNo differencePleomorphic
 CytoplasmAbundant, eosinophilic ‘ground-glass’No differenceVariable
 N/C ratioLowNo differenceVariable
 MultinucleationPresentNo differenceNo difference
 NucleoliPresent (small–moderate sized)VariablePresent (large)
 Nuclear membraneNormalVariableIrregular
 Chromatin patternDispersedVariableCoarse
 Cytological maturationPresentVariableAbsent
 Mitotic activityAbsent–moderate (up to 6 per 10hpf); confined to junction or superficial dermisVariableHigh (often >6 per 10hpf); abnormal or deep forms
 Perineural or angiolymphatic invasionAbsentAbsentMay be present
 Sentinel lymph nodeNegativeMay be positiveMay be positive
 NecrosisAbsentAbsentMay be present
  HMB-45Variable (typically stratified)VariableVariable (often diffuse)
  MIB-1Low proliferative index (<10%)Variable (<15%)High (>15%)
 CytogeneticsNormal or isolated gain of 11pIntermediate–often complex aberrationsComplex chromosomal aberrations
  • H&N, head and neck; LN, lymph node.