Table 2

Key features of the three variants of hyperplastic polyp

VariantClinicalHistological features
MicrovesicularMainly found in the distal colon and rectum
Usually less than 5 mm diameter
Well-organised arrangement of crypts
Serration and goblet cells limited to superficial half of crypts
Microvesicular mucin droplets in epithelial cells*
Thickened basement membrane
Vertically orientated smooth muscle fibres
Goblet cellDistal colon and rectum
Almost always less than 5 mm diameter
May resemble normal mucosa on initial examination
Mucosal thickening
Prominent mature goblet cells
Surface tufting
Mucin poorRareSimilar to microvesicular type but both goblet cells and microvesicular mucin are less evident
  • *This imparts a glassy or hazy quality to the cytoplasm.