Table 2

Characteristics of patients with retinoblastoma

VariablesNumber of patients
n (Total=79)Per cent
Age at diagnosis (months)
 Median (range)22.2(1–99)
Age at operation (months)
 Median (range)25.9(1–113)
Male sex4455.7
Family history of RB22.5
Multifocal tumours67.6
Bilateral tumours1822.8
International RB stage
 Stage I7392.4
 Stage II00.0
 Stage III00.0
 Stage IV67.6
Pathological tumour stage
 pT2 (a:b)23 (11:0)29.1
 pT3 (a:b)17 (11:6)21.5
 pT4 (a:b)3 (1:2)3.8
 Optic nerve invasion3241.0
 Choroidal invasion2430.8
 Extraocular invasion1215.2
 Nodal or distant metastasis67.6
Histopathological features
Further treatment
 Preop. chemoradiotherapy1924.1
 Preop. local/proton therapy1012.7
 Postop. chemoradiotherapy2126.6
  • Postop, postoperative; Preop, preoperative; RB, retinoblastoma.