Table 3

Protein expression of MED12 and ER in tumours with wild-type MED12 and mutant MED12

Type of mutation
MissenseIndelsSplice sitep Value
MED12 protein expression in stroma (N=212)
 Low (H-score ≤150)12 (15.4)8 (6)3 (2.9)4 (15.4)1 (20)0.029*
 High (H-score >150)66 (84.6)126 (94)100 (97.1)22 (84.6)4 (80)0.023†
MED12 protein expression in epithelium (N=211‡)
 Low (H-score ≤150)4 (5.1)5 (3.8)2 (1.9)2 (8.0)1 (20)0.729*
 High (H-score >150)74 (94.9)128 (96.2)101 (98.1)23 (92.0)4 (80)0.054†
ERα in epithelium (N=168)
 Negative2 (3.1)9 (8.7)7 (8.3)2 (11.1)0 (0)0.209*
 Positive§62 (96.9)95 (91.3)77 (91.7)16 (88.9)2 (100)0.845†
ERβ in epithelial nucleus (N=168)
 Negative11 (17.2) 12 (11.5)11 (13.1)1 (5.6)0 (0)0.357*
 Positive§53 (82.8)92 (88.5)73 (86.9)17 (94.4)2 (100)0.579†
ERβ in epithelial cytoplasm (N=168)
 Negative27 (42.2)39 (37.5)32 (38.1)6 (33.3)1 (50)0.626*
 Positive§37 (57.8)65 (62.5)52 (61.9)12 (66.7)1 (50)0.870†
ERβ in stromal nucleus (N=168)
 Negative41 (64.1)62 (59.6)50 (59.5)10 (55.6)2 (100)0.626*
 Positive§23 (35.9)42 (40.4)34 (40.5) 8 (44.4)0 (0)0.478†
ERβ in stromal cytoplasm (N=168)
 Negative53 (82.8)85 (81.7)72 (85.7)11 (61.1)2 (100)1.000*
 Positive§11 (17.2)19 (18.3)12 (14.3) 7 (38.9)0 (0)0.039†
  • *MED12 wild-type versus MED12 mutants.

  • †Missense versus indels versus splice site mutations.

  • ‡One malignant tumour was without an epithelial component.

  • §Positivity was defined by at least 1% immunoreactive tumour nuclei.

  • ER, oestrogen receptor.