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Hereditary elliptocytosis in two Maltese families
  1. J. L. Grech,
  2. E. A. Cachia,
  3. F. Calleja,
  4. F. Pullicino
  1. Department of Pathology, the Royal University of Malta, Malta
  2. Paediatric Unit, St. Luke's Hospital, Malta


    The findings in two elliptocytic families are recorded and compared. It is the first report of the anomaly in the Maltese population.

    A variable degree of clinical and haematological expression among the members of the two families has been observed, ranging from healthy individuals with normal cell morphology to others with only elliptocytic erythrocytes and mild anaemia.

    Two subjects have been studied during anaemic crises, and are considered to represent the homozygous state.

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