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The rate of blood loss from skin punctures during the Ivy bleeding time test
  1. M. L. N. Willoughby1,
  2. M. J. Allington
  1. Haematology Department, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford


    The rate of blood loss from skin punctures during the performance of the Ivy bleeding time test has been measured by a simple technique in normal individuals, in patients without defects of the haemostatic or coagulation system, and in patients with known haemorrhagic disorders.

    A wide range was found in normal individuals, but repeated tests on a single individual showed a smaller variation. Nearly half of the tests on patients with von Willebrand's disease, thrombocytopenia, `capillary type' of bleeding, or haemorrhagic renal failure gave abnormally high rates of blood loss. Haemophilic, Christmas disease, and Dinedevan-treated patients gave low volumes and rates of blood loss.

    A group of patients has been encountered in whom the bleeding time was normal but the rate of blood loss was increased. The majority of these had haemorrhagic symptoms and other evidence of a defective haemostatic or coagulation system. It is suggested that a consideration of the rate of blood loss in those patients with a normal bleeding time gives additional help in interpreting the Ivy test. A high rate may indicate the need for further investigation of the haemostatic and coagulation system.

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    • 1 Present address: Southern General Hospital, Glasgow.