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Disinfection of woollen blankets in steam at subatmospheric pressure
  1. V. G. Alder,
  2. W. A. Gillespie
  1. Department of Pathology, Bristol Royal Infirmary


    Blankets may be disinfected in steam at subatmospheric pressures by temperatures below boiling point inside a suitably adapted autoclave chamber.

    The chamber and its contents are thoroughly evacuated of air so as to allow rapid heat penetration, and steam is admitted to a pressure of 10 in. Hg below atmospheric pressure, which corresponds to a temperature of 89°C. Woollen blankets treated 50 times by this process were undamaged. Vegetative organisms were destroyed but not spores.

    The method is suitable for large-scale disinfection of blankets and for disinfecting various other articles which would be damaged at higher temperatures.

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