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Monitoring sterilization of dressings in high-vacuum pressure-steam sterilizers
  1. R. J. Fallon2
  1. University Department of Bacteriology, Western Infirmary, Glasgow


    Undetected air leaks in a high-vacuum sterilizer can defeat the sterilization process. For this reason the maintenance and supervision of these sterilizers needs expert engineering care. The importance of controlling the high-vacuum sterilization process from the centre of a load rather than the chamber drain is emphasized, and a method of detecting any failure in a high-vacuum process is described. The dynamics of the high-vacuum sterilization process are discussed and the possible disadvantages of an integrator are noted. The wisdom of using a temperature of 134°C. for three minutes is questioned.

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    • 2 Present address: Pathology Department, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow, N.W.

    • 1 Report to the Medical Research Council Working Party on Pressuresteam Sterilizers.