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A system of air recirculation and antibacterial surface treatment in a surgical ward
  1. G. A. J. Ayliffe,
  2. M. A. Beard1,
  3. J. Filbey
  1. Department of Bacteriology, Postgraduate Medical School of London, Hammersmith


    A system of surface treatment with an antibacterial agent and air recirculation through treated filters was set up in a 15-bedded surgical ward, using an adjacent 10-bedded ward as a control.

    Nasal, wound, and urinary cross-infection was studied in both wards for over one year.

    Total bacterial counts and counts of Staphylococcus pyogenes were made from settle plates and blanket sweep plates.

    After the installation of the system aerial contamination in the test ward was reduced appreciably more than in the control ward. The number of blankets contaminated with Staph. pyogenes was similar in both wards. There was no significant difference in wound, nasal, or urinary cross-infection between the two wards.

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    • 1 Working with a grant from the Medical Research Council.