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The planning of benching and services for the modern pathological laboratory
  1. K. M. Laurence
  1. Department of Paediatric Pathology, Welsh National School of Medicine, Llandough Hospital, Penarth, Glam.


    The principles which should govern the planning of benching and services for new laboratories are enumerated. These include the necessity for long-term planning, flexibility, and economy.

    The `Cardiff benching system' where the benches are composed of units that consist of an independent movable table base, a removable bench top, a 6 in. insertion, which enables the bench height to be changed from 30 in. to 36 in., and a variety of movable underbench cupboards, and where all services are carried on service spines, is described. The extreme flexibility of this type of benching and servicing is illustrated.

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