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Rapid microbiological assay of serum vitamin B12 by electronic counter
  1. J. Stuart,
  2. S. A. Sklaroff
  1. Department of Haematology, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh
  2. Department of Public Health and Social Medicine, University of Edinburgh


    A new method of measuring the growth of Lactobacillus leichmannii is reported. Its adoption for the estimation of serum vitamin B12 levels shortens the incubation period required to five hours at 45°C. The method is compared statistically with a standard method of estimation, requiring incubation at 37°C., by duplicate determinations on 106 hospital patients. The significance of the apparently decreased accuracy of the new method at low serum levels is discussed, and a re-appraisal of the optimum growth temperature of Lactobacillus leichmannii suggested.

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