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Observations on the epidemiology of Candida albicans
  1. Yvonne M. Clayton,
  2. W. C. Noble1
  1. Mycology Research Laboratory, Brompton Hospital, London
  2. Air Hygiene Laboratory, Central Public Health Laboratory, Colindale, London


    The carriage rates for C. albicans were found to vary for different groups of people but hospital patients appeared to have higher rates than the non-hospital population.

    Candida albicans was recovered more frequently from the bedding of patients than from that of school children. The variable concentration of this fungus in the air and on the bedding suggested that its presence might be related to the presence of individual patients.

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    • 1 Present address: Department of Bacteriology, Institute of Dermatology, St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C.2.