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Diagnostic value of liver function tests and Entamoeba histolytica antibody studies in East Africans
  1. D. P. Mullan,
  2. A. M. Ward,
  3. S. Shah,
  4. A. L. Jeanes
  1. Royal Hospital, Sheffield
  2. Department of Clinical Pathology, Guy's Hospital, London


    Liver function tests and Entamoeba histolytica (E.H.) antibody titres have been studied in a variety of tropical and liver diseases. Patients with hepatic amoebiasis had a raised E.H. antibody titre and tended to have a low pseudocholinesterase activity. In two cases of amoebic liver abscess, which were treated by aspiration and emetine, there was a remarkable drop in the E.H. antibody titre. In a number of other hepatic and tropical conditions the E.H. antibody titre was not significantly raised and the liver function tests were typical of the various conditions studied.

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