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Evaluation of discordant laboratory data in patients with thyroid disorders
  1. J. A. Thomson,
  2. I. T. Boyle,
  3. E. M. McGirr,
  4. E. M. Macdonald,
  5. J. Nicol,
  6. J. Brown
  1. University Department of Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow


    The usefulness of the various tests of thyroid function has been evaluated over a three-year period. It is concluded that an uptake test and estimation of the serum protein-bound radioactive iodine (PB 131I), supplemented as required by the protein-bound iodine (PBI), remain the best routine tests of thyroid function. Forty-five patients who gave discordant results on these tests over this period have been studied in detail and the value of other tests of thyroid function has been explored.

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