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Plasmacytoma of the thyroid
  1. J. R. S. More,
  2. D. W. Dawson,
  3. A. J. Ralston,
  4. Isla Craig
  1. Department of Pathology, University of Manchester, Manchester
  2. Department of Pathology, Crumpsall Hospital, Manchester
  3. Department of Medicine, Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Lancaster
  4. Department of Pathology, Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham


    Three cases of plasmacytoma of the thyroid are described and their clinical and histological features recorded. Two were considered to be true extramedullary plasmacytomas, the third the initial manifestation of a disseminated myelomatous process. Plasmacytomas of the thyroid are shown to have many features in common with malignant lymphomas in this site, including an association with Hashimoto thyroiditis in more than half the reported cases. No certain method of assessing the prognosis in any individual case has yet been described.

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