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Methodological study and a recommended technique for determining the euglobulin lysis time
  1. R. Chakrabarti,
  2. M. Bielawiec1,
  3. J. F. Evans,
  4. G. R. Fearnley
  1. Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester


    The euglobulin lysis time, which is widely used to measure blood fibrinolytic activity, is shown to be sensitive to the temperature and pH at which the euglobulin fraction of plasma is prepared and also to the type of anticoagulant employed and buffer in which it is suspended. A standardized method for performing the test, which controls these variables and has been found to yield reproducible results, is described. Since, at present, data obtained with this test by different laboratories are, for the reasons given, rarely comparable, it is hoped that the method outlined may be considered suitable for general adoption.

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    • 1 Of the Medical Academy, Bialystok, Poland.