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Values for tissue magnesium as a guide in detecting magnesium deficiency
  1. P. Lim,
  2. E. Jacob,
  3. S. Dong,
  4. O. T. Khoo
  1. Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Singapore, Singapore
  2. Department of Pathology, Outram Road General Hospital, Singapore


    A large-scale survey of the normal magnesium content of various human tissues was carried out to facilitate clinical detection of magnesium deficiency, especially occult deficiency.

    A review of the literature favours the magnesium content of skeletal muscle as the most reliable index of the body's store of magnesium.

    There is a significant difference (P < 0·001) in both the serum and erythrocyte magnesium levels between normal pregnant women in the third trimester and the average normal population. The reason for this difference is discussed.

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