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Investigation of ketoacidurias by two-dimensional paper chromatography
  1. R. F. Coward,
  2. P. Smith,
  3. J. W. T. Seakins
  1. RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine, Farnborough, Hants
  2. Institute of Child Health, London


    A simple paper chromatographic method was found to be effective for the study of phenylketonuria and tyrosyluria. It proved to be much more reliable than conventional tests for the detection of abnormal amounts of ketoacids in urine and was suitable and convenient for following the effects of dietary variations on the excretion of these compounds. Information obtained about ketones other than those of primary importance to the conditions studied included confirmation of the excretion of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid in phenylketonuria. A modification of the method applicable to histidinaemia was devised.

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