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The Australia antigen in Brazilian healthy persons and in leprosy and leukaemia patients
  1. F. M. Salzano,
  2. B. S. Blumberg
  1. Department de Genêtic, Institut de Ciências Naturais, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Pôrto Alegre, Brazil
  2. Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


    The distribution of the Australia antigen was investigated in 633 white and negroid healthy persons, 218 white and negroid leprosy patients, and 50 white leukaemia patients. The subjects were living at the time of the investigation in two southern Brazilian cities. Two of the patients with leukaemia showed the antigen, as also did three out of 358 negro subjects, but no reactors were found among the healthy white subjects and leprosy patients.

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