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Use of Triton X-100 scintillant in a simple method for the simultaneous assay of 55Fe and 59Fe by liquid scintillation counting
  1. C. B. Campbell,
  2. L. W. Powell
  1. Department of Medicine, University of Queensland, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland
  2. Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland


    A method is described using Triton X-100 scintillant to simplify liquid scintillation counting of 55Fe alone or in combination with 59Fe. The Triton acts as an efficient solubilizing agent allowing small volumes of aqueous solutions of iron compounds in hydrochloric acid to be counted. The efficiencies achieved are comparable with those of previously described methods whilst the technique is less time-consuming and the scintillant-aqueous mixture is stable at low temperatures. Reproducible quantitative recovery of radioactivity has been obtained.

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