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The preparation of virus-infected cells for use in immunofluorescence techniques
  1. George Sander,
  2. J. P. V. Hayhoe,
  3. Anne McShane
  1. Division of Immunological Products Control, National Institute for Medical Research, (Hampstead Laboratories), London


    This paper describes the preparation of virus-infected cells for the detection of serum antibodies by the use of immunofluorescence techniques. The variations in virus growth in cells in relation to the length of incubation of cell monolayers and polio virus using two different fluorescein isothiocynate conjugates are discussed. It is shown that there is a critical time after virus infection when a definite positive immunofluorescent reaction is given. Furthermore, a method is described enabling the clinical pathologist to prepare infected cells with the use of an automatic tube inoculator at any time during 24 hours.

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