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Quantitation of a slide test (Monotest) for infectious mononucleosis
  1. P. Kenneth Carter1,
  2. Irwin Schoen,
  3. Teru Miyahira
  1. Division of Pathology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Mount Sinai Hospital Division, Los Angeles, California, USA
  2. Student Health Service Clinical Laboratory, University of California at Los Angeles, California, USA


    A slide test for infectious mononucleosis using formalinized horse erythrocytes (Monotest2) was quantitated and compared with standard differential heterophile (Davidsohn) titres performed on the same specimens. The Monotest titre parallels the standard presumptive heterophile (antisheep cell) titre in the degree of elevation, with a ratio of Monotest to heterophile titre of approximately 1 to 56. The simplicity of the quantitative slide test recommends it as a routine test for infectious mononucleosis.

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    • 1 Please send requests for reprints to Dr Carter at Mount Sinai Hospital.