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The possible significance of IgA in abnormal cerebrospinal fluid
  1. Neela K. Sheth
  1. Department of Haematology, St George's Hospital, London


    In a study of 21 patients with disease of the central nervous system IgA, which is normally absent, could be detected in the cerebrospinal fluid in the presence of meningitis of bacterial or fungal origin: the concentration of IgA in the cerebrospinal fluid could not, however, be correlated with serum levels. A reaction of non-identity has been demonstrated between serum and cerebrospinal fluid IgA using the diffusion technique on cellulose acetate.

    These data seem to suggest that cerebrospinal fluid IgA is produced independently of serum IgA and can be detected in measurable amounts where microorganisms are the cause of inflammatory disease of the central nervous system.

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