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One thousand one hundred and thirty sera from hospital patients under investigation for autoimmune disease were tested for colon mucus antibody and tissue antibodies. The sera with a positive mucus antibody were retested against a panel of test colons of known blood group using IgG, IgA, and IgM antihuman globulin fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugate. It was found that there was a variation between the results obtained with different test colons. This was considered to be due to a system in tissues of mucus isoantigens produced by the goblet cells of the colon. Using this panel of test colons raised the percentage of mucus antibodies detected in cases of ulcerative colitis from 14 to 37%. The presence of the mucus antibody was found to be shortlived in some patients. The colon mucus antibody was also found in thyroid disease and chronic asthma and the reasons for this finding are discussed.