Table of contents
October 1972 - Volume 25 - 10
- Isolation of a mycoplasma from sarcoid tissue (1 October, 1972)
- A fluorescent antibody test in the diagnosis of farmer's lung (1 October, 1972)
- Observations on a new family showing bisalbuminaemia of the slow type (1 October, 1972)
- Changes in the normal range of thyroidal radioiodine uptake (1 October, 1972)
- Starch and talc emboli in drug addicts' lungs (1 October, 1972)
Research Article
- A simple method for chromosome banding. (1 October, 1972)
- Technique for the performance of the nitro-blue tetrazolium (NBT) test. (1 October, 1972)
- Automated antibody (anti-D) quantitation technique. (1 October, 1972)
Book Reviews
- An Introduction to the Diagnostic Histopathology of the Skin (1 October, 1972)
- Histochemistry, Theoretical and Applied, Vol. 2 (1 October, 1972)
- Exfoliative Cytology (1 October, 1972)
- The Platelet (1 October, 1972)
- Glycoproteins of Blood Cells and Plasma (1 October, 1972)
- The Pneumonias (1 October, 1972)
- Microbial Pathogenicity in Man and Animals (1 October, 1972)
- Clinical Chemistry in Diagnosis and Treatment (1 October, 1972)
- Laboratory Tests in Diagnosis and Investigation of Endocrine Function (1 October, 1972)
- Biomedical Technology in Hospital Diagnosis (1 October, 1972)
- Principles of Biological Chemistry (1 October, 1972)
- The Planning and Organization of a Health Laboratory Service (1 October, 1972)