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The Kmif (Kveim-induced macrophage migration inhibition factor) test in sarcoidosis
  1. W. Jones Williams,
  2. E. Pioli,
  3. D. J. Jones,
  4. M. Dighero
  1. Department of Pathology, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff
  2. Department of Chest Medicine, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff
  3. Public Health Laboratory Service, Colindale


    Circulating lymphocytes from 30 patients with sarcoidosis when stimulated in vitro with Kveim-induced macrophage migration factor, the Kmif test, produced a guinea-pig macrophage migration inhibition factor in 21 of 30 cases (70%). In those patients not on steroids the results showed a good correlation with the cutaneous Kveim test. One positive test was found in 16 normal subjects. Our results suggest that the Kmif test may prove a useful rapid alternative to the Kveim test.

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