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Effect of intravenous prostaglandin E2 on platelet function, coagulation, and fibrinolysis
  1. P. W. Howie,
  2. A. A. Calder,
  3. C. D. Forbes,
  4. C. R. M. Prentice
  1. University Department of Gynaecology, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow
  2. University Department of Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow


    Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was infused intravenously to eight women for the termination of pregnancy and tests of platelet function: coagulation and fibrinolysis were studied before and during the infusion.

    Platelet adhesiveness, as measured by a cellophane membrane test-cell system, was significantly diminished by PGE2, a change which was not noted by the glass-bead column technique. The administration of PGE2 caused more rapid platelet disaggregation following ADP-induced aggregation but had no effect on the platelet count, collagen-induced aggregation, or platelet factor 3 activity. An increase in plasma antithrombin concentration and euglobulin lysis activity was also noted.

    These results support the concept that prostaglandin E2 might have a role in the prevention of thrombosis.

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