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The effect of ambient temperature on the anti-D assay using the Auto Analyzer
  1. H. H. Gunson,
  2. P. K. Phillips,
  3. F. Stratton
  1. Regional Transfusion Service, Manchester


    Using the AutoAnalyzer, the percentage agglutination effected by the anti-D antisera studied showed a varied dependence on the ambient temperature over the manifold subsequent to the incubation period at 37°C. This leads to assays which are a function of the ambient temperature. It is suggested that the entry of a relatively large volume of rouleaux-dispersing agent results in an elution of bound antibody to a new position of equilibrium, the shift being dependent on the particular equilibrium constant of the antibody and the rate of its attainment on the ambient temperature. A constant ambient temperature will lead to greater accuracy of anti-D assay.

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