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Assay of rifampicin in serum
  1. Jean M. Dickinson,
  2. V. R. Aber,
  3. B. W. Allen,
  4. G. A. Ellard,
  5. D. A. Mitchison
  1. Medical Research Council's Unit for Laboratory Studies of Tuberculosis, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Ducane Road, London


    Two methods for the assay of rifampicin in serum are described. The first is a conventional plate diffusion method, measuring concentrations down to 0·02 μg/ml, and the second a chemical extraction followed by measurement of the inhibition of uptake of 14C-uridine by Staphylococcus aureus, which estimates in the range of 0·02 to 0·001 μg/ml. The methods were used to measure serum concentrations in man following doses of about 1050 mg and 75 mg rifampicin.

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