Table of contents
November 1975 - Volume 28 - 11
Research Article
- Smallpox eradication--the final battle. (1 November, 1975)
- A serodiagnostic test for tuberculosis. (1 November, 1975)
- The VDRL test in a blood transfusion service. (1 November, 1975)
- Fibrinolytic activity in malignant disease. (1 November, 1975)
- Plasma erythropoietin assay in patients with chronic renal failure. (1 November, 1975)
- Renal dysplasia in nephrectomy specimens from adolescents and adults. (1 November, 1975)
- Necropsy study on glomerulonephritis in the elderly. (1 November, 1975)
- Interpretation of respiratory tract histology in cot deaths. (1 November, 1975)
- Quantitative study of uterine curettage in the menstrual cycle. (1 November, 1975)
- Stability of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in biological fluids. (1 November, 1975)
- A standardized Romanowsky stain prepared from purified dyes. (1 November, 1975)
- Modifications to improve the reliability of the coulter 'S'. (1 November, 1975)
- Counterelectrophoresis on human serum in coxsackie virus infections. (1 November, 1975)
Book Reviews
- Pathobiology Annual, Volume 4, 1974 (1 November, 1975)
- Pathogenic Processes in Parasitic Infections (1 November, 1975)
- Medical Oncology: Medical Aspects of Malignant Disease (1 November, 1975)
- Lecture Notes on Clinical Chemistry (1 November, 1975)
- New Approaches to the Identification of Micro-organisms (1 November, 1975)
- The Mammalian Kidney: Biological Structure and Function 5 (1 November, 1975)