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Serial liver biopsies in blood donors with persistent HBs antigenaemia.
  1. E Tapp,
  2. D M Jones,
  3. D Hollanders,
  4. I W Dymock


    Initial liver biopsies from asymptomatic HBs antigen positive blood donors showed a range of histological abnormalities ranging from minor parenchymal lesions to cirrhosis. Twenty of these have now been followed up for periods of up to four years and during that time have had at least two liver biopsies. Throughout the period of study all the donors have remained carriers of HBs Ag, and there was no significant variation in the titers of antigen or the electron microscopic appearances of the serum in individual donors. The histological appearances of subsequent liver biopsies were not always the same as those seen initially, and while there appeared to be some improvement in three cases, there were nine in which the histological appearances were worse.

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