Table of contents
March 1978 - Volume 31 - 3
Research Article
- Ultrastructure of Ebola virus particles in human liver. (1 March, 1978)
- Flavobacterium meningosepticum as an opportunist. (1 March, 1978)
- Some interesting isolates from a diagnostic laboratory. (1 March, 1978)
- Paraganglioneuroma of the duodenum: an evolutionary hybrid? (1 March, 1978)
- Cerebral involvement in multiple myeloma: case report. (1 March, 1978)
- Internal sphincter and haemorrhoids: a pathological study. (1 March, 1978)
- Measuring IgG anti-A/B titres using dithiothreitol (DTT). (1 March, 1978)
- Plasma viscosity as a routine laboratory test. (1 March, 1978)
- Polystyrene ESR tubes. (1 March, 1978)
Book Reviews
- The Hemoglobinopathies: Techniques of Identification (1 March, 1978)
- Clinical Immunobiology (1 March, 1978)
- Biochemical Methods in Medical Genetics (1 March, 1978)
- The Shorter Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (1 March, 1978)
- The Granulocyte: Function and Clinical Utilization (1 March, 1978)
- Recent Advances in Haematology No. 2 (1 March, 1978)
- Basic Techniques in Diagnostic Histopathology (1 March, 1978)
- Blood Group Serology. Theory, Techniques, Practical Applications (1 March, 1978)
- A Colour Atlas of Histological Staining Techniques (1 March, 1978)
- Pathology of Ischaemic Heart Disease (1 March, 1978)
- Virus Hepatitis and its Control (1 March, 1978)